How I work

Christopher Osborne
Body-oriented Psychotherapy in South East London

How I work
21st October 2024 
How I work
Contact Me

Crystal Palace
London SE19
click here to email

How I work #01I work with clients on both a short-term and long-term basis, with either weekly or twice weekly meetings.

On our first meeting I will make an initial assesment, and together we will discuss what an appropriate way to work may be. This is open to discussion and re-negotiation at anytime and is based on what you feel is right for you.

As we commence the work, we will explore the issues that have brought you into counselling. I will provide respectful, non-judgemental listening, ask questions and offer observations to gently guide your process. Through this, you will have the opportunity to experience body sensations, feelings and thoughts in new ways, which will lead to insights and new ways of being.

Together, we will find ways to challenge old beliefs and for you to experience yourself in new and more satisfying, complete and zestful ways.